Soon after we suspended spring math circles, I sent out an email asking families if they were interested in online sessions. Within two hours 200 people responded. Almost everyone left a message:
- Thank you for looking at other options to keep math circles going!
- Reilly misses Math Circles!
- Thank you for thinking about this
- Thank you for offering this service during this time. Please keep safe
- Thank you!
- Just thanks
- Love you guys!
- Thank you for your continued enthusiasm in teaching math!
I believe math circles does more than filling a niche. It's a fundamental part of a good education. The chance to explore, to do inquiry, around math that is novel and interesting.
John Dewey, America's greatest educational philosopher, believed that we can underestimate how formative educational experiences can be. Every experience leads to other experiences. It's simplistic to say that time spent in school doing worksheets leads to passivity and mindless obedience, but there is a kernel of truth in it.
I believe that all children deserve to have educational experiences that will result in them becoming more curious and more engaged in math, and in the world around them. I believe passionately in this. Please help MC2 to continue to provide collaborative, active, interesting math experiences to all children in Chicago. Thank you!