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For the 2019-20 school year, Math Circles of Chicago will serve 750 children in our academic year sessions, 225 children in our summer camps, and 150 students who will participate in the QED Math Symposium. With an operating budget of $311,778 this equates to $277.14 per quarter per child.

Your contribution will support 750 fifth through twelfth graders at eight sites across Chicago engaging in exploratory math curriculum that is cooperative, fun, and accessible to all. 

Dear Friends,

Math Circles of Chicago is an organization I choose to support financially and as an active member of its Board of Directors because I believe they unlock the power of math for children who need it the most and because our country needs to promote our continued leadership in science, technology, engineering and math.

Whether it’s a child who loves math and wants a further challenge, or one who’s finding their interest in the subject diminishing, MC2 exposes them to effective math instruction and an interesting approach to mathematics. Mathematics is the key to every facet of science and engineering, and provides the pathways to advancement in all technical areas.

Math Circles of Chicago programs are free of charge and located at accessible sites across the city. Please join me on this important fundraising day so they can reach even more children across Chicago with this incomparable math experience.

My goal for our End of Year Giving campaign is $2,500, and I've started off my progress with a $500 gift. I hope you can consider joining me. Thank you in advance for your support!

Gary Jones

Join me in this great cause!


MC2 Website

If you prefer to donate by check please mail it to Math Circles of Chicago:

1034 N. Wells
Chicago, IL 60610

Help Me Reach My Goal!

Gary's Donor Wall
Great organization! -Gail and John Ward