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Math Circles of Chicago is unique in its approach to
helping children develop a passion for mathematics.

 For the 2019-20 school year, MC2 will serve 1,125 children between our academic year sessions, summer camps, and in the QED Math Symposium. 

Thank you for investing in our work. 

Examples of what your investment can do:

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

$4,600 Donation $0.00
Underwrites the QED Math Youth Symposium.

$3,200 Donation $0.00
Supports MC2 teachers at four homeless shelters.

$1,800 Donation $0.00
Supplies snacks for all MC2 students for the entire year.

$1,300 Donation $0.00
Underwrites a full year of teacher coaching.

$750 Donation $0.00
Sponsors the Julia Robinson Festival in full.

$500 Donation $0.00
Buys program supplies at an MC2 site for an entire year.

$277 Donation $0.00
Fully supports one child for a quarter of MC2 programming.

Donations of all amounts are welcome, and they matter.

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